Search Criteria: Phelps, Maryland, Newspapers, Marriages
MARRIED - Sunday evening, ?? July, by the Rev. jos. Merri. Mr. Leonard Passano, to Miss Parthinia Phelps of this city." Baltimore Sun, 1837-07-08
MARRIED - On Tuesday last, 28th ult, by the Rev. John Healey, Mr. George W. Morlng to Miss Esther, Colgate Austin; and on Thursday, 30th ult., by the same, Mr. John Myers to Miss Sarah Phelps, all of this city." Baltimore sun, 1840-05-02
MARRIED - At Hadley, Mass, on the 27th ult, by the Rev. D. Huntington, Rev. S.G. ????ach, of Washington, to Miss Caroline, daughter of Hon. Charles P. Phelps, of Hadley." 1843-01-06
MARRIED - On Tuesday evening, 28th inst., by Rev. George D. Purviance, Mr. WM. T. MARKLAND to Miss ANN JANE PHELPS, all of this city. Baltimore Sun, 1845-10-30
MARRIED - On the 12th instant, at Hickory Ridge, Harford county, by Gev. Mr. Finney, Dr. FRANCIS P. PHELPS, of Dorchester county, Md., and MARY R., daughter of col. D.C. Springer. Baltimore Sun, 1853-05-13
MARRIED - On the 4th instant, by Rev T. H. Reese, N.J. BARTHOLOW to SARAH A. PHELPS, all of this city. Baltimore Sun, 1853-08-06
MARRIED - At Washington, D.C., on Monday, 3d instant, at the Church of the Epiphany by Rev. Mr. French, S. LEDYARD PHELPS, U.S.N. to Miss LIZZIE, daughter of Capt. Wm. Maynaidier, USA
MARRIED - On the 19th instant, at the Eutaw street Methodist church, by Rev. Mr. Dashields, GEO. D. PHELPS and INDIANA R. LINDSAY, all of this city. (Centerville and Easton papers please copy). Baltimore Sun, 1856-11-22
MARRIED - On the 22d April, by Rev. W.B. Edwards, JOSEPH PHELPS to Miss AVERILLA V. SISSELBERGER, both of this city. (Washington papers please copy). Baltimore Sun, 1862-05-01
PHELPS-HARTLEY - On June 25, 1885, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Geo. Elliott, JOHN R? PHELPS to Miss ANNA D. HARTLEY, both of Baltimore. Baltimore Sun, 1885-06-27
BROOKS-PHELPS - On February ?, 1890, by the Rev. ?. A. Thirikeld? at Bethany parsonage, CHAS. H. BROOKS to Miss CARRIE A. PHELPS, both of Baltimore. Baltimore Sun, 1890-02-25
BLEAKLEY-PHELPS - On January ?, 1892, at the residence of the bride, "Garrison" by the Rev. Francis P. Mackall SAMUEL H. BLEAKLEY, Sr. and M. JOSEPHINE PHELPS, both of Baltimore county, Md. Baltimore Sun 1892-01-29
WEDDINGS IN DORCHESTER...cAMBRIDGE, MD, Dec 17...At "Eldon" farm, the home of the bride's father, Mrs. Tryphena Phelps, daughter of Dr. Francis T. Phelps, was married to Mr. Robert N. Todd of Salisbury. Baltimore Sun, 1892-12-29
Marriage Lisence issued: Alphonse S. Prevost, widower, 24 South Mount street, May L. Phelps. Baltimore Sun, 1898-10-17
MARRIED - PREVOST-PHELPS - On October 17, at St. Martin's church by Rev. T.J. Broydrick, MAY L., oldest daughter of the late James g. PHelps, to ALPHONSE S. PREVOST (New york and Philadelphia papers please copy). Baltimore sun, 1898-10-26
TALL-PHELPS - On Wednesday, november 23, by Rev. W.M. Ferguson, Presiding Elder M.E. Church, WILLIAM R. TALL to ANNIE LAURIE PHELPS, both of Baltimore." Baltimore Sun, 1898-11-24
TALL-PHELPS. Miss Annie Laurie Phelps and Mr. William R. Tall were married Wednesday afternoon by Rev. Dr. W.M. Ferguson, presiding elder of the Baltimroe District of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The bride was attended by Miss Addie Phelps, her sister. Mr. Maurice s. Tall, the groom's brother, was a best man. After a trip South they will live at 224 Warren avenue. Baltimore Sun, 1898-11-25
WEDDINGS AT ST. MARTIN'S - Rev. Thomas J. Broydrick, Pastro, Performs Three Ceremonies in One Day - Three marriages took place yesterday at St. Martin's Catholic church, Fulton avenue and Fayette street...The marriage of Miss Gertrude Eulalle? Phelps, daughter of Mrs. Regina Phelps 1233 West Baltimore Street and Mr. Arthur I. Judge of Govanston, took place at ? o'clock in the evening. Mr. Alphonse S. Provost, brother in-law of the bride, gave her away. The best man was Mr. Joseph c. Judge. The bride wore a pearl gray dress, trimmed with white satin and lace. Her hat corresponded with her costume and she wore white kid gloves. Her bouquet was of Bride roses. The ushers were Messrs. Albert Judge, William Haynes, Harry Fox and William Tack. A reception followed at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. A.S. Prevost, 24 South Mount Street. Mr. and Mrs. Judge left for a trip North. They will reside at 24 South Mount Street. Baltimore Sun, 1899-01-26
ELLICOTT CITY, MD., April 19 - A marriage license was issued in Ellicott City yesterday for Elijah H Phelps and Annie Leopold, both of Baltimore. Baltimore Sun 1899-04-20
Mrs. William Boardman will give a tea tomorrow afternoon in honor of Dr. and Mrs. von Rottenberg, who will spend some time in this country. Dr. von Rottenberg is president of the University of Bonn. Germany. Mrs. von Rottenberg is the daughter of the late William Walter Phelps and a niece of Mrs. Boardman. Baltimore Sun 1899-04-21
PHELPS - SOUTHWICK. A dispatch from New York says: The marriage of Miss Susie Kent Southwick, daughter of John C. Southwick, to Lieut. Wm. Woodward Phelps, United States Navy, who is stationed in the bureau of navigation in Washington, took place this afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Collegiate Reformed church. The groom is a son of Judge Charles E. phelps, of Baltimore...Baltimore Sun, 1899-04-26
DEALE-PHELPS...NORFOLK, VA., Sept 27 - Mr. Lindsay M. T. Beale, a young contractor of Newport News, was today married here to Miss Ella Phelps, of this city. Miss Phelps was formerly of Windsor, N.C., and is the daughter of Mrs. Ar?ie Phelps of that place. Baltimore Sun 1899-09-28
PHELPS-THELIN - Miss Maude Griswold Thelin, of Mt. Washington, was married yesterday afternoon at ? o'clock to Mr. Charles Edward Phelps, Jr. Miss Thelin is a daughter of Mrs. William t. Thellin and is well known in Mt. Washington and Baltimore Society. Mr. Phelps is a son of Judge Phelps and is chief engineer of the city electrical subway...The wedding was [held at] St. John's Protestant Episcopal Church, Mt. Washington...[the best man was] Mr. John Phelps...The users were: Messrs William Woodward PHelps,...Francis Hart Phelps...[they] will reside, upon their return, at 201 Mt. Royal avenue. Baltimore Sun 1899-11-30
MARRIED IN FORT WORTH - Mr. John Phelps Weds Miss Alva Loving Turner, of Texas...The wedding of John Phelps, son of Judge Charles E. PHelps, of Baltimore and Miss Alva Loving Turner, of Fort Worth, was celebrated this eveningin St. Andrew's Protestant Episcopal Church...The bridesmaids and groomsmen were...Frank H. PHelps, of Baltimore; Miss alma Phelps of Baltimore...Baltimore Sun 1899-12-15
PHELPS-VANSANT - Miss Rhoda Vansant, daugther of John r. Vansant, was married to Mr. Charles H. Phelps, electrician at the Auditorium yesterday morning at the home of the bride's parents 928 North Gilmor street by Rev. William t. Russell, of the Cathedral...Mr. and Mrs. Phelps will reside at 928 North Gilmor street. Baltimore sun, 1900-02-27
A Special Officer Arrested - Special Officer John Utterbaugh, of the Western Maryland Railroad...had arrested a boy named James Phelps for throwing missiles in the neighborhood of Fulton avenue and Baker street...1900-04-21
Simkin-Phelps - Miss Adelaide G. Phelps, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Phelps, was married Wednesday evening to Mr. William J. Simkin. Rev. Frank Tyler, pastor of the Wilkens Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church South, performing the ceremony. Miss Anne ine was bridesmaid and Mr. George H. K???ling acted as best man. A reception followed at the home of hte groom, 2234? Wilkens avenue, where Mr. and Mrs. Simkin will reside. Baltimore Sun 1902-11-21
Phelps-Owens. Miss Ruth J. Owens, daughter of Mrs. A???? R. Ownes, 1??? edmondson avenue, was married yesterday to Mr. William E. PHelps of Winston Salem, N.C., Rev Curtis Lee Laws? performed the ceremony at his residence, Carrollton avenue and Mosher? street...After a tour North, Mr. and Mrs. Phelps will reside in Winston salem. Baltimore Sun 1903-06-11
PHELPS-JOYCE - George? c.? Phelps, 23?; Jessamin? Joyce, 27, Applicant, Austin Phelps, 124 Pearl Street. Baltimore Sun, 1905-02-11
DEAN-PHELPS - Miss Eva v. Phelps, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Phelps of Laurel, Md., was quietly married at the parsonage of Greenmount Avenue Methodist Church yesterday at noon to Mr. George D. Dean of the Baltimore Bar. Rev. Osborn Belt? officiated...Baltimore Sun, 1905-09-21
PHELPS-MILLER - James G. Phelps, 23; Cathern Miller, 22. Applicant. Harry F. Miller, 328 North Mount street. Baltimore Sun 1907-06-22
Cambridge, Md., Dec 25 - Mrs. Francis P. PHelps announces that the marriage of her daughter. Miss May Phelps to Mr. Julius Warwick Williamson, of Auckland, New Zealand, will take place Tuesday, December 31 at 1 P.M. at Christ Church, Cambridge. No cards. Baltimore Sun, 1907-12-26
WILLIAMSON-PHELPS...Cambridge, Md, Dec. 31 - The marriage of Miss May Phelps, daughter of Mrs. T?yphena H? and the late Dr. F.P. Phelps of cambridge, to Mr. Julius Warwick Williamson of auckland, New Zealand, took place at christ Protestant Episcopal church this afternoon, the rector, Rev. Thomas B. Barlow officiating...the best man was Mr. William Wallace PHelps, a brother of the bride. The ushers were Messrs. Joseph w. PHelps...they will leave in a few weeks for their home in New zealand. Baltimore Sun 1908-01-01
PHELPS-HILL...ELLICOTT CITY, MD. Dec 26 - Miss Gertrude Hill? and Mr. Franklin E. Phelps both of Clarksville, Howard county, ere married Saturday at the parsonage of the Emory Methodist Episcopal Church by pastor, Rev. Thomas Wood. Mr. L.? E.? Phelps, father of the bridegroom, accompanied the pair. Baltimore Sun 1905-12-27
CORKRAN-TODD...Cambridge, Md. Jan 4 - Mrs Tryphena Houston Todd and Mr. Franklin Pierce corkran of Williamsburg, were married this afternoon at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Francis P. Phelps...She was attended by her niece, Miss Margaret W. Todd of Salisbury, as maid of honor..the ceremony was performed by Rev. Thomas. B. Barlow. The bride was given away by her brother, mr. W. Wallace Phelps. Baltimore Sun 1908-01-05
PHELPS-AKERS - Walter PHelps, 31; Lula B. Akers, 22, both of Howard county. Baltimore Sun, 1909-11-01
HOLTHOUSE?-PHELPS - Joseph H. Holthouse, 22, Annie N. Phelps, 23, Applicant Elmer Phelps, 316 East Hamburg street. Baltimore Sun, 1910-05-05
Lynchburg, Va - At the Methodist Protestant, parsonage Thursday Miss Mayme Gertrude Phelps, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Phelps of Tyreeanna? was married to William Holly Jennings, of Roanoke. Rev. C. Morgan Compher, the pastor of that church, was the celebrant. Baltimore Sun, 1913-06-28
Hendricks-Phelps - The marriage of Mrs. Carrie M. Phelps and Mr. Wilbur F. Hendricks has been announced. It took place at Ellicott city on Monday and was performed by the Rev. J. Edward Snyder pastor of Emory Methodist Episcopal church. Baltimore Sun 1917-10-18
Phelps - Warfield...Wednesday evening, September 25, when Miss Della Warfield, daugther of Mr. Edgar Warfield, of Odenton, became the bride of Mr. Arthur L. Phelps. The wedding took place at the parsonage of Nicholas Memorial Church...Baltimore Sun, 1918-10-13
PHELPS-BULL - George W. Phelps, 73, widower, Catherine Ball [?BULL?Batt?] widow. Applicant, Frank C? Phelps, 411 Cold Springs lane. Baltimore Sun 1919-04-24
PHELPS-SHAUGHNESSY - Miss Helen Shaughnessy of?Rost?revor, Bryn Mawr and Haverford, Pa., was married yesterday to Mr. Edward PHelps, of Annapolis and Laurel, Md. The bride is a cousin of Lord Shanghnessy, of English peerage...Mr.Phelps has filled a number of prominent positions in Prince George's county and was Mayor of Laurel for seven consecutive tems...will make their home in Annapolis in the Gloucester Apartments, on Duke of Gloucester street. Baltimore Sun 1920, 10-03
A marriage of interest throughout Maryland and Virginia has been announced by Mr. and Mrs. William Alexander Phelps of Corbett, Md, to their daughter Elsie Savers? to mr. John Homer Pearce, son of Mr. andMRs Charles M. Pearce of My Lady's manor, Baltimore county, The ceremony was performed by Rev. D.P. Allison at St. Michael andall Angels' Church, Baltimore, md, on Wednesday, December ??. Only immediate families were present. Baltimore American, 1921-12-16
Phelps-Shauck. St.Paul's Methodist Episcopal Parsonage on last Saturday night at 6 o'clock...Miss Marjorie Emily Shauck, daughter of Mr and Mrs William N. Shauck of Statewood and Mr. Harold Lester Phelps, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Phelps of Sykesville. Rev. O.R.Prichett performed the ceremony..On their return they will make their home with the grooms parents...Baltimore American, 1922-04-02
Miss Thelin Married in New York Yesterday...Miss Genevieve Kennon Thelin, to Mr. Ralph Hooper at the Church of the Transfiguration...her other sisters are...Mrs. Charles E. Phelps. Baltimore American 1922-07-30
PHELPS-COUGHLIN - Lawrence M., 23??, Corbett, Md.; Olive, 26, divorced. Baltimore Sun, 1922-08-19
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