Saturday, November 14, 2009

Three Death Notices from Genealogy Bank

Ran across these while searching for Spedden obits:

"McILHENNY - At Mobile, Alabam, March 29th, 1865, EDWARD SPEDDEN McILHENNY, aged 22 years, only son of Mary Jane and the late Robert H. McIlhenny, of this city." Baltimore Sun, May 12, 1865

"At the residence of his father-in law, Major Edward Spedden, on Friday evening, 9th inst., at half past 8 o'clock, ROBERT HUNTER MCILENNY, formerly of Hagerstown, aged 36 years." Baltimore Sun, March 10, 1849

"BEATY - On May 17 at his residence, No. ?22 North Washington street, HARRY C. in the 18th year of his age, youngest son of the late John T. and Sarah E. Beaty (Philadelphia papers please copy). Funeral this (Tuesday) afternoon, at three o'clock." Baltimore Sun, May 19, 1896

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