In a very exciting development, I'm finally getting around to having our old German documents from the Miller side of the family transcribed and translated by Gerda Dinwiddie
Because these documents are handwritten, and sometimes illegible, not all the words can be accurately transcribed, but I think Gerda did a great job!
Johnann Friedrich Philipp
ehelicher Sohn des hier verstorbenen Zimmermanns Friedrich Christian Müller und seiner Ehefrau jetzt verehl. (verehelicht) Dahms, geb. Buwolian(?)/Lurolien(?) Maria Dühmke, ist hieselbst geboren am sechsten Juni Achtzehn Hundert Sieben und Fünfzig / den 6. Juni 1857.
Solches wird auf Gnade des heiligen Kirchenbuchs, behufs Auswanderung nach Amerika, hiemit amtlich bescheinigt.
Loitz, den 29 September 1868
S...(?) und Pastorat(?)
Johnann Friedrich Philipp
legitimate son of the here deceased carpenter Friedrich Christian Müller and his wife, now married Dahms, nee Buwolian(?)/Lurolien(?) Maria Dühmke, was born here on the sixths of June Eighteen Hundred Fifty Seven/ June 6, 1857.
This is officially certified herewith through the grace of the holy church record book, for the purpose of emigration to America.
Loitz, September 29, 1868
S...(?) and parsonage(?)
Regarding "Buwolian(?)/Lurolien(?)" - This is actually Caroline (or maybe Carolian?). We know she spelled her name Caroline when she came to the U.S., but who knows how it would have originally been spelled. It's a very difficult word to read in the document. This document also confirms that Freidrich was a carpenter and that he was Caroline's first husband and that she married 2nd, a man with the last name of Dahms.
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